I just died in your arms tonight

Tänkte bara visa er en underbar ring jag har fått utav Pontus. Och stopp! Det är ingen förlovningsring he he....utan det är en riktig irländsk Claddagh ring! Vad vi kom fram till vad det var, var efter en irländskfilm.
" Claddagh rings may be used as friendship, relationship, eternity, engagement, or wedding rings depending on the intention of wearer and, in the case of a gift, of the giver. There are three traditionally accepted ways of wearing the ring which may signal someone's relationship status:
1. When worn on the right ring finger with the heart pointing to the fingertip, the wearer is free of any attachment.
2. On the same finger with the ring turned around, it suggests someone is romantically involved.
3. When the ring is on the left hand wedding ring finger it means the person is married or engaged."